A super easy drink to make and a crowd pleaser! After serving to the hubby and a couple of close friends, I saw happy faces all around. Give these a try and please leave me feedback as to what you think. Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Makes 1 pitcher
12 oz frozen lime concentrate
36 oz Corona Light Beer
6 oz silver Tequila
2 oz Grand Marnier
Juice of 2 limes (plus additional lime for garnish)
Course salt
Lime and orange slices for garnish
In a large pitcher, add the frozen lime concentrate and slowly add the 3 beers. Stir until combined. Next, add the Tequila, Grand Marnier, and juice from 2 limes. Stir again.
Cut the third lime into slices for your garnish and cut part of the lime into a wedge. Take your lime wedge and run it around the rim of your glasses. Dip the rims of your glasses into a plate of course salt to coat.
Fill each glass with lots of ice, pour Beergarita into glass, garnish, and serve.

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