
Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Birthday Party For Our Furry Friend

Last week I did something for the first time – and something I never thought I’d do.  Our puppy (now an official “dog”) celebrated her 1st birthday!   So what did my boys want to do?  Throw her a birthday party of course!  The hubby and I have had pets before, but have never thrown a party for them.  Now that my boys are a little older, they felt like this was a very important step in our Sammie’s life.

Fortunately, my mom was visiting from out of town and was able to join us for the celebration.  Unfortunately, we had kind of a busy week on our hands so we needed to keep the party very simple, even after multiple requests from my oldest to invite some of Sammie’s “dog friends” to the party. 
We saw some cute doggie treats at the Puppies 'N Love store at San Tan Village so I let the boys each pick one out for her.  One chose and ice cream cone and the other a cupcake with a candle.  Perfect. 
I also made a VERY simple cake for my family to enjoy.  After looking through my pantry I found a box of yellow cake mix and a leftover can of Halloween frosting.  Perfect.   It was actually more peach in color once frosted on the cake….it looked great.
Next, I went through all of the sprinkles in my cabinet and after careful consultation with my mom, we decided that the purple sprinkles would look the best.  I then searched through my alphabet and number cookie cutters to find the number 1.  After placing the cookie cutter on the cake I filled it in with sprinkles – then decided to leave it there until it was time to celebrate in the event some of the sprinkles weren’t ready to stay in place.   
My mom and I have made a few birthday cakes together over the past few years when she has been visiting for one of my boys’ birthdays.  It’s important to note that we held up our tradition by drinking champagne while baking and decorating the cake, even this time. 
Even though the cake was super simple, the best part about it was that the boys didn’t know anything about it.  Wait.  I take that back, the little one saw it that morning, but was able to somehow keep it a secret from the 6 year old all day.  I think he maybe just forgot.  Perfect.
Overall, the party was a success.  I was the lucky family member who was chosen to blow out the singular candle for our sweet Sammie.  Perfect.
It seems as though birthday parties for pets have become popular over the years – I’d love to hear how you have celebrated your furry friend’s birthday!  

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