
Sunday, October 21, 2012

McManis Cabernet Sauvignon - wine tasting winner!

We attended a wine tasting party in our neighborhood last night....although it turned into more of a "drink a lot of wine" party for many of the guests!  This is the 2nd year our friends have hosted this event - and for me - the 2nd year winning it!  The host announced two winners, I'm not sure if it was a tie or how all of that worked, but I was happy I was one of the winners!  We were not surprised by the other couple who won - we have consumed many bottles of wine with them over the years!

The rules are simple, everyone brings a bottle of wine to enter into the contest, the hosts places it into a paper bag that has a number on it.  Once everyone has tasted all of the wines, they vote on a small piece of paper noting their favorite bag number and place it into a voting box..  The hosts tabulates the votes and announces the winner!  It's that easy!

Everyone also brought an appetizer to share - there was SO much yummy food!  Check out the Bite Sized Baked Brie I brought!  The hosts supplied "drinking" wine (and beer of course for the non-wine drinkers) and lots of people brought extra wine as well. 

The wine I chose to enter into the contest was a McManis Cabernet Sauvignon that I bought from Total Wine.  McManis is one of my favorite winemakers.  We learned about them many years ago when we lived in Atlanta at a wine tasting we attended.  They also have an excellent Syrah.  The best thing about this wine?  The price.  $7.99 a bottle.  That's right - an EXCELLENT price for a delicious wine. 

In October 2013, Sunset did a feature on ways to score amazing wine - McManis was on the list!!!

I did another blog post earlier this spring about their Chardonnay - you can check it out here.

Give this wine a try - if your local wine store doesn't have it, see if they can get some for you, you won't regret it!

Now, I'm off to enjoy some of the amazing Gundrun chocolates we received as a prize.....

iPhone photo of winning wine at the party!
iPhone photo - me with the winning wine!

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