
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Basketball Sugar Cookies

My oldest son joined his first team sport this fall and we couldn't be more excited about it and proud of him!  He has always been a swimmer - and is quite good for his age (if I do say so myself!)  He has been asking about basketball for a couple of years now - but has been a little young to play in any leagues.  This summer, he went to a basketball camp and LOVED it! 

He had his first practice and game over the weekend and had a blast.  I made these basketball cookies for him to celebrate the occasion.  I used a package sugar cookie (you could do this or make your own from scratch) and I followed the same royal icing recipe and decorating instructions from the Brown Eyed Baker that I used for my Power Ranger Samurai Cookies.  I need to work on the steadiness of my hand - but I'm fairly new to cookie decorating! 

My son was so excited when he saw these - and my little one of course too!  He got to enjoy his during the actual game!

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